Art Therapy
in Voorhees, NJ

Discover the benefits of art therapy for neurodivergent & LGBTQ+ young people (ages 10-20) who need help with emotional overload, anxiety & self-acceptance
Therapy that builds on strengths to support your child so they can manage life’s challenges and make better choices

Art Therapy in Voorhees: Not just any therapy for not just any kid

You want to see your kid go to school iand stay there all day, have friends on the same wavelength, and advocate for themselves with confidence, but whatever else you’ve tried hasn’t made as much difference as you’d hoped.

It’s hard not to worry that your child won’t be able to handle future challenges, like jobs or relationships, because they can’t handle small setbacks, like changes in plans. Even discussing why they’re upset makes them upset because they take it personally or proof that you don’t like them.

Your commitment to supporting them has led you here, and you’re ready to try neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ affirming art therapy that can help your child:

  • Learn to better handle frustration so small annoyances don’t spiral into crises
  • Form a positive neurodivergent & queer identity without shame
  • See themselves in a positive light so they don’t assume the worst about themselves when they make mistakes
  • Recognize when to ask for help so they bounce back from disappointments

For you, therapy means calmer evenings and more time to enjoy being with your child and the rest of your family. In addition, fewer crises means you’ll have time and energy for your other responsibilities, and maybe extra time for yourself.

Together, we can help your child turn a corner and thrive.

teen going to art therapy in voorhees

Therapy Services
for families in Voorhees, NJ

Young adults with adhd
Mom with neurodivergent tween who go to art therapy in voorhees, nj

Neuro-Affirming Therapy

In neuro-affirming therapy, neurodiversity is understood as natural variations in brain function that benefits everyone. Neurodivergence doesn’t need to be “treated” like depression or anxiety, so we focus on what works for you and your brain.

Neurodivergence can have benefits, like creativity and problem-solving. On the other hand, it can cause frustration, such as an ADHDer’s forgetfulness. The disabling nature of neurodivergence can be due to pressure to meet neurotypical expectations. In affirming therapy, we consider both strengths and challenges.

In our society, being neurotypical has been the standard, so neurodivergence has been considered “different,” “less than,” and something that needed to be “fixed.” Neurodivergent people have been mistreated, specifically in behavioral health. Unfortunately, harmful treatment still happens, so affirming therapy is a supportive alternative.

As a neuro-affirming therapist who’s neurodivergent, I help people make the most of their strengths to feel good about themselves. I understand what can be difficult, like overwhelming emotions and exhaustion from trying to appear neurotypical, so your child feels seen.

Depending on your child’s needs and developmental level, affirming therapy can include discussion of societal challenges and the value of disability advocacy and community, so they learn to recognize the nature of barriers they may encounter and resources available to them.

Queer-Affirming Therapy

Your child will be supported, no matter what their sexual orientation or gender identity, no matter if they’re out or not, and whether they feel confident about who they are or are still trying to figure it out.

Queer-affirming therapy emphasizes what’s good about being LGBTQ+, while making sense of the challenges of being your true self when faced with thoughtlessness, ignorance and cruelty.

At Prism Art Therapy, your kid will:

  • Have time and space to figure out who they are without judgment or assumptions
  • Be listened to and respected when talking about gender and sexuality
  • Have a safe, private space to talk about sensitive, personal issues
  • Be able to practice what they want to say during conversations that feel scary if family joins a session to discuss gender or sexuality
  • Have freedom to be who they are in session without pressure to come out in other spaces if they aren’t ready
  • Be encouraged to use community resources, like participating in Pride events, if and when they are ready
lgbtq+ young adult in art therapy in voorhees, nj with partner
lgbtq+ teen with mom

Therapy for neurodivergent & queer kids, teens & young adults

Dr. Lee Ann Thill, art therapist, is accepting new clients for therapy in Voorhees

Centrally located in Gibbsboro, Camden County, we are accessible for people across the region, and also provide telehealth services. Prism Art Therapy wants to help young people address their unique challenges and learn coping skills, as well as gain insight so they can create meaningful, fulfilling lives.

Prism Art Therapy provides art therapy for residents of Voorhees in addition to these Camden, Burlington and Gloucester County communities



Cherry Hill


Winslow Township

Washington Township



Mt. Laurel

Evesham Township


Haddon Township




Underwater shot of two women holding hands

About Voorhees

Voorhees Township is a suburban community located in Camden County, New Jersey, approximately 20 miles southeast of Philadelphia. Known for its excellent schools, diverse housing options, and convenient location, Voorhees offers residents a high quality of life with easy access to both urban amenities and natural attractions. The township is home to Virtua Voorhees Hospital, a major regional healthcare facility, Flyers Skate Zone, the Flyers’ training facility that also offers public skate programs, and both Animal Welfare Association and Voorhees Animal Orphanage, highly regarded shelters. Visit the official Voorhees Township website for information about local government services and community events, and learn about the highly-rated Eastern Camden County Regional School District, which serves students of Voorhees.

Directions to Office

From the northwest, including Cherry Hill and Voorhees

Travel east on Haddonfield-Berlin Rd towards Berlin. Pass CVS, drive 0.5 mile and Lakeview Commons office condominiums are on the right. Once in the complex, follow the parking lot towards the left. Suite 300 is in the far corner.

From the east and southeast, including Berlin and Winslow Township

Take 73 North to Walker Ave. towards Voorhees. Pass Blueberry Hill Park, drive 0.3 mile, and Lakeview Commons office condominiums are on the left. Once in the complex, follow the parking lot towards the left. Suite 300 is in the far corner.

From the west and southwest, including Washington Township and Deptford

From 42, drive east on Blackwood-Clementon Rd. and Gibbsboro Rd. Turn right at Wawa on Lakeview Dr., drive0.8 mile and Lakeview Commons office condominiums are on the right. Once in the complex, follow the parking lot towards the left. Suite 300 is in the far corner.

From the northeast, including Marlton and Mt. Laurel

Take 73 South to Kresson-Gibbsboro Rd. Turn left at CVS onto Lakeview Dr., drive 0.5 mile and Lakeview Commons office condominiums are on the right. Once in the complex, follow the parking lot towards the left. Suite 300 is in the far corner.